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All articles by L'équipe pastorale de l'Oratoire Saint-Joseph

Present in the World Today

“Saint Brother André, we celebrate your presence among us.” This first sentence of the prayer that is offered “to obtain a special favor” through the intercession of Saint Brother André will resonate in a very special way during the month of August which is dedicated to him. More than an occasion to mark the birthday of the founder of the Oratory, born Alfred Bessette on August 9, 1845, this annual event is an opportunity to celebrate the Friend, the Brother, the Saint who accompanies us today.

Death of Father Marcel Lalonde, CSC — A great builder passed away

Father Marcel Lalonde, CSC, died on May 26, 2020, at the age of 93 years and 11 months, following a long illness at the Maison Basile-Moreau, a residence of the Canadian Province of Holy Cross in Montréal. With tireless zeal, Father Lalonde was the leader at Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal, of which he was rector for 30 years.

Il est là, l’Enfant

C’est Noël! Les lumières colorées scintillent. Les familles et les amis se donnent rendez-vous pour célébrer.

Il est là, l’Enfant auprès de Marie et de Joseph. Il est là, l’Enfant de la sainte nuit, nuit de paix et d’espoir.

Friday March 29 Homily

To mark our gratefulness for Father Claude Grou’s recovery, following his attack on March 22, and to salute his return to pastoral fonctions, we are happy to share the homily he gave, in French, during Mass on Friday March 29.

Read the Homily in French here.

A journey of nine days with three stopovers

What will be the spiritual journey of the next Novena to Saint Joseph? The event will take place at Saint Joseph’s Oratory from March 10 to 18, 2019. Our three guest preachers, three monks, are inviting us to walk with Saint Joseph and Saint André on a path of hope, faith and love.

Two Priests Sharing the Oratory’s Mission

Excerpts from THE FRIEND OF BROTHER ANDRÉ of Spring 2018 featuring testimonials by two religious who came to support the sanctuary’s pastoral team.

World Day of the Poor

Pope Francis invites us to the very first Wordl Day of the Poor and to lend a helping hand to those in need around us, in our everyday lives. Let’s pray and take action!

World Day of Prayer for the Care of the Creation 2017

In this World Day of Prayer for the Care of the Creation, each of us is invited to make our own Pope Francis’ appeal to Christians everywhere and to communicate his prayer for the protection of our “common home”…

A prayer for our earth

In this Earth Day, each of us is invited to make our own Pope Francis’ appeal to Christians everywhere and to communicate his prayer for the protection of our “common home”…