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Category: Feasts and Celebrations

Faithful to the One who calls us to the encounter … far beyond our borders

Discover the inspirational reflection that is offered to you on this 6th day of the Novena to Saint Joseph.

Faithful to the One who teaches us to love without measure

Discover the inspirational reflection that is offered to you on this 5th day of the Novena to Saint Joseph.

Faithful to the One who invites us to carefully tend His vine

Discover the inspirational reflection that is offered to you on this 4th day of the Novena to Saint Joseph.

Faithful to give witness to our faith

Discover the inspirational reflection that is offered to you on this 3rd day of the Novena to Saint Joseph.

Faithful to serve as Jesus did

Discover the inspirational reflection that is offered to you on this 2nd day of the Novena to Saint Joseph.

Faithful to an encounter with our brothers and sisters, and with Christ

Discover the inspirational reflection that is offered to you on this 1st day of the Novena to Saint Joseph.

A journey of nine days with three stopovers

What will be the spiritual journey of the next Novena to Saint Joseph? The event will take place at Saint Joseph’s Oratory from March 10 to 18, 2019. Our three guest preachers, three monks, are inviting us to walk with Saint Joseph and Saint André on a path of hope, faith and love.

Do This in Remembrance of Me

By Claude Grou, c.s.c.

Member of the Pastoral Team of Saint Joseph's Oratory

March 23, 2018 Faith, Feasts and Celebrations, Spirituality

With Holy Week just beginning, Father Claude Grou, Rector, invites us to reflect on the meaning of the acts and words we commemorate…

A Centenarian Organ

By David Bureau

Archivist, Roland-Gauthier Archive and Documentation Centre

November 16, 2017 Feasts and Celebrations, History, Organ, Religious Heritage

The Crypt Church will be one hundred years old in December 2017. Read about its Casavant Organ in the french blog article here : Un orgue centennaire.

The month of Saint Brother André, Patron of Family Caregivers

By Claude Grou, c.s.c.

Member of the Pastoral Team of Saint Joseph's Oratory

July 24, 2017 Faith, Feasts and Celebrations, Spirituality

At the Oratory, the month of August is dedicated to Saint Brother André. This year, we are celebrating him as the Patron Saint of Family Caregivers.

The Ascension of Our Lord, our victory

By Anne Deverre

Collaborator, Saint Joseph's Oratory Communications Service

May 29, 2017 Faith, Feasts and Celebrations

A word on the Ascension of Our Lord.

Saint Joseph the Carpenter at Work

By Anne Deverre

Collaborator, Saint Joseph's Oratory Communications Service

April 27, 2017 Faith, Feasts and Celebrations, Spirituality

A word on the carpenter of Nazareth at work. Read the article in French here.