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All articles by Andrée-Anne Doane

Update on Saint-Joseph’s Oratory’s Carillon…

By Andrée-Anne Doane

Titular Carillonist of Saint Joseph's Oratory

November 12, 2019 Arts and culture, Music

By the time you read this blog, the bells of the carillon and the consoles (keyboards and pedals) will have reached their destination, the Paccard foundry, in France.

Easter Bells at the Oratory

By Andrée-Anne Doane

Titular Carillonist of Saint Joseph's Oratory

March 27, 2019 Fêtes et célébrations, History

Tradition holds that on Holy Friday, church bells everywhere fly away to Rome, receive blessing from the Pope and come back to their parish on Easter Sunday to bring back the good news of Christ reborn!