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Category: Arts and culture

La sacra famiglia al museo

By Julie Buduroi

Registrar of Collections, Saint Joseph's Oratory Museum

June 15, 2021 Arts and culture, History

The Oratory Museum is proud to take part in the exhibition Italian Montréal at the Pointe-à-Callière Museum in Montreal. Eleven works from our collection, by artists of Italian origin established in Quebec such as Joseph Guardo, Guido Nincheri, T. Carli and E. Dini & Cie are presented. Here is a glimpse of what you can see between now and January 9, 2022.

Life, love, death

By Julie Buduroi

Registrar of Collections, Saint Joseph's Oratory Museum

October 23, 2020 Arts and culture, History

That’s it, fall is already well established. Due to the closing of the museums, I invite you in this blog to discover our heritage in a completely different way. Let’s get outside the walls of the Oratory and discover a place out of the ordinary in the great outdoors.

Art and Music at the Oratory

By Chantal Turbide

Curator of the Museum and Artistic Heritage of Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal.

January 10, 2020 Arts and culture

Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal is pleased to present the exhibition Les Mondes de Katia Makdissi-Warren [Katia Makdissi-Warren’s Worlds], as well as a series of concerts, in partnership with the Société de musique contemporaine du Québec (SMCQ).

Update on Saint-Joseph’s Oratory’s Carillon…

By Andrée-Anne Doane

Titular Carillonist of Saint Joseph's Oratory

November 12, 2019 Arts and culture, Music

By the time you read this blog, the bells of the carillon and the consoles (keyboards and pedals) will have reached their destination, the Paccard foundry, in France.

A short history of the great Beckerath organ in the Oratory Basilica

By Vincent Boucher et Denis Juget

Titular Organist at the Oratory / Organ Builder

September 26, 2019 Arts and culture, History

In 1957, Rudolf von Beckerath installed a 44-stop organ in the Trinity Lutheran Church in Cleveland, Ohio. He then made a trip to Montreal, at the invitation of organists Kenneth Gilbert, Raymond Daveluy and Lucienne and Gaston Arel.

Colours from Another Era

By David Bureau

Archivist, Roland-Gauthier Archive and Documentation Centre

September 24, 2018 Arts and culture, History

Discover architectural drawings and sketches from the very beginnings of the conceptual work on the Basilica and the Crypt Church. Full article in French here

Saint Joseph of the Nativity

By Claude Grou, c.s.c.

Member of the Pastoral Team of Saint Joseph's Oratory

December 21, 2017 Arts and culture, Faith, Spirituality

A moment to contemplate a few figures of Saint Joseph, as he appears in Nativity Scenes, and on their meaning.
Read the article in French.

Brother André’s Last (Little) Trip

By David Bureau

Archivist, Roland-Gauthier Archive and Documentation Centre

December 15, 2017 Arts and culture, History, News

Few pilgrims know that back in the day, the Crypt Church, now centenarian, used to house the tomb of Saint Brother André. Read the article in French, by David Bureau.

A Donation to Saint Joseph

By Julie Buduroi

Registrar of Collections, Saint Joseph's Oratory Museum

July 21, 2017 Arts and culture, History

As part of the exhibit Saint Joseph Like Montréal, the Oratory Museum presents, for the first time, a statuette of Saint Joseph courtesy of a donation by the Sisters of Charity of Montreal. Read the full article in French here.

Two new exhibitions to discover

By Chantal Turbide

Curator of the Museum and Artistic Heritage of Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal.

May 31, 2017 Arts and culture, History, Religious Heritage

The Oratory Museum is once again open to the public! Discover its two new exhibitions…

Reorganizing archives in three days!

By Julie Buduroi

Registrar of Collections, Saint Joseph's Oratory Museum

March 13, 2017 Arts and culture, News

Discover a lesser-known side of Museum work… Read the full article in French.

Christmas Theatre at the Oratory

By David Bureau

Archivist, Roland-Gauthier Archive and Documentation Centre

December 21, 2016 Arts and culture, History

A preview of our Archives Center’s record of theatrical activities by Father Émile Legault, CSC and the Jongleurs de la Montagne troup… Article in French only available here